Starting the Wrong Things in the Wrong Place

One of the problems with visiting the in-laws for the new year’s holiday is that the new year gets started in the wrong place.

Any plans I have to start something new have to be delayed until I get to my usual place. Until then I’m subject to the plans and whims of others, much of which I’m not informed about until the last minute.

The result is that the bad habits have already started.

Today I did get a few merciful hours of time alone which I used mostly productively. The problem is I don’t have all the usual tools and it was easy to waste time doing other things.

Once I get home, I’ll already be out of the habit of starting new habits and will most likely end up falling back into old ones.

I’ll find out tomorrow when we get back to the usual place.

I will also probably have to shed a couple pounds or four that have been put on thanks to the permanent “all you can eat and drink and if you say no there’s a fight” system at the in-laws. We’ll see about that too.

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