Resting at Peace by Surprise

I actually got to enjoy a lazy day today and don’t feel guilty about it all.

I woke up with a slight headache that I suspect was a result of the “guerrilla” storm we got last night. (We didn’t get the official rainfall, but on radar it looked like a bomb going off over our town.) The sudden change in air pressure sometimes messes with my head.

I slept in once I realized I had the headache and then took my time going through my morning routine. She Who Must Be Obeyed went to work and our Oldest got to hang the laundry as part of her “part time job agreement” with the International Bank of Dad to earn some money she wanted for today. After that she got a haircut and went to club. (Long story.) Our youngest practiced piano and did her summer homework.

I spent the day doing very little and liking it. I played some games until I realized the headache wasn’t going to help me win then watched other people play games as part of a marathon gaming session to help raise money for Operation Supply Drop.

I managed to do a little work, but not much. Then I made dirty rice for me and our youngest . After thatĀ things got awesome.


Our oldest returned from club and then went to a local festival with some of her friends. She Who Must Be Obeyed returned home from work and then took our youngest to the festival. (For the record: she was not spying on our oldest.)

SWMBO invited me along but I declined and just like that, without any warning whatsoever, I was alone.

I fully enjoyed the time alone. Mind you, I didn’t do anything productive. I didn’t do any writing or any work. All I did was eat some pretzels and enjoy the time alone.

Tomorrow I’ll be off on an outing and will be around lots of people. Lots of knives will be present, too.

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