Unconnecting the Connected Ears

Lately I haven’t had the patience to listen to my iPod Touch.

I do not know why that is. As I’ve written before, I don’t listen to music on it very often but I do like to use it to listen to podcasts.

The problem  with podcasts, especially the few that are published every day, is I find myself getting bored with their formats and, in some cases, with the voices of the hosts.

For example, I used to listen to The Candid Frame. It is a photography podcast hosted by photographer Ibarionex Perello. He’s got a great voice, one of the best names on the planet, and brought on a great variety of different types of photographers. I binge listened at first, but one day I just got tired of his format. I still recommend him, and might one day go back and check him out, but I find podcasts are a bit like beer, booze or snacks: they are fun at first, but once you’ve had too much, it’s hard to go back and have just a little. Even days later.

In a couple cases I got tired of the hosts’ voices. They are either too nasal or too booming or too German. Those I can still listen to sometimes, but I don’t.

This time, though, I think I’ve just grown tired of having voices in my ears when I’m walking around. For a while, my routine was listen to a podcast until I got to the station, then leave the headphones in and read my Kobo Reader while on the train. I’ve increased my reading, but am not enjoying the podcasts.

Instead, I listen to a handful of regular podcasts when I’m at home on the computer. I still listen to the Pen Addict, Write For Your Life, and a few others, mostly because they have enough variety that I haven’t grown tired of them, but I listen to them at home.

I don’t know how long this will last. Some day I may put the voices back in my ears, or I may start listening to music again. That mood won’t last long, but it will come eventually.

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