A Time to Make Plans; A Time to Cast Away Plans

I’ve never been one to allow a good plan to get in the way of my leisure time. This is even more of an issue when the plan wasn’t that good to begin with.

The plan was get up, get ready, go out, find ink, bring ink back, sell ink. The only catch in the system would be what would happen if there was no ink. My alternate plan was to visit a couple pen shops and use them as fodder for future posts. I also have a couple posts to write so that was the final alternate plan.

Turns out there were other alternate plans.

The day started with a very rare bout of oversleeping, although, technically, it was not oversleeping because I went to bed late.

If I have some place to be, I’m pretty good at getting up on time and getting ready. However, in the past I’ve tended to reverse polarity, so to speak, and change “early to bed, early to rise” to “go to bed whenever, get up whenever”.  Last night whenever was well past 1:00 a.m. and my body decided to hit snooze a few times and wake up with my usual hours of sleep.

The trouble is, that threw off the rest of the day. Plans to go out became excuses to stay in. Plans to work on next week’s “work” day assignments became plans to work on personal stuff. Plans to work on personal stuff became a conversation with a friend. Plans to do personal stuff after the conversation with a friend became game time.

(Note: I only had the conversation with the friend because I noticed he was online playing the game. So, technically, the conversation was interrupting a plan that had already been interrupted.)

Tomorrow I have actual work, sort of, and then have plans to go out after. The problem is, that plan to go out after the actual work changes the way I planned to dress for the actual work tomorrow.

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