Whither the Rulins

I should have done this yesterday but couldn’t be bothered. That tells you all you need to know about today’s topic.

As part of a way to avoid new year’s resolutions, I ripped off Woody Guthrie and came up with 16 Rulins for 2016. The ideas was to come up with general guidelines rather than specific resolutions.

As you might suspect, I have followed a few, ignored others and have accomplished a few that surprised me. The biggest surprise was the first few. I’ve sold myself more and sold some of my stuff. I still resist that as the hoarder in me comes up with uses for stuff or dogs me with memories and sentimental feelings.

The biggest surprise was creating a second source of income, albeit a small one, by creating a small business of sorts. (If refreshing a website and buying and selling a bunch of ink every now and then counts as a business.)

That led to me failing spectacularly when I listed a bunch of ink I had available and even the crickets couldn’t be bothered to make any noise.

The next phase is the “Use it or Loose It” phase. I’ve got bunch of stuff photographed and ready to sell (and have even sold a few things already). It’s also time for a mid-year office decluttering.

My mistakes haven’t been smarter and I’ve not had as many adventures with the girls as I could have and I’ve not been learning something new each month.

I’m tempted to produce a set of mid-year Rulins just to remind myself they exist.

But, I didn’t include a Rulin’ about not procrastinating so I think I have a lot of time to do that.

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