Standing Around Working

I started out standing. I ended up sitting. In the end I did more than the students.

Today I had five pass-back classes which isn’t that big of a deal except there isn’t much for me to do.

I tease the high, low and average marks. I take roll. I write out the full high, low and average marks. I pass out the answer sheets. I pass out the exams. I answer questions. I pass out the speech contest papers. I quell panic. I explain the assignment. I answer questions. I turn the students loose.

Unfortunately, all that takes only 20 minutes or so and I’m left with 30 minutes to fill. In my younger days, I took care to include extra activities until I realized I was wasting my time. (Long story.)

Today, the students were supposed to work on their speech contest speeches. A few actually did, but most did not. Instead they kept the papers out and chatted but didn’t actually write anything. Or they just did homework from other classes.

I spent part of the class standing whilst I worked on a few personal things. Then I got tired of standing, brushed off the teacher’s chair and sat down whilst I worked on personal things.

Oddly, I managed to stay awake, even after sitting down.

Now I have a couple days off to I’m already figuring out ways to waste them.

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