The State of Zooming Out

The end is near, but like the vertigo effect, the closer I get, the farther away things seem to be.

Because I don’t always think things through/have aspirations that outshine my abilities and focus, I decided to mark the exams that are due last first and the exams that are due first last. This will, of course, give me a weekend off.

The problem is, that it is also slowly driving me insane–or maybe that’s the Bond movies (more on that in a different post)–by blocking off my chance to do any outside activities.

That said, if all goes according to plan, and we all know what happens to the best laid schemesĀ of mice and men, I’ll finish relatively early tomorrow.

Actually, because of my odd plan, I have to finish tomorrow. If I don’t, Friday will be interesting in the “may you live in interesting times” curse kind of way.


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