Wasteful Spending Time

It’s not the kind of alone time I actually look forward to.

Today She Who Must Be Obeyed and our youngest returned from my in-laws’ house and our oldest disappeared to parts unknown that involved the tickets mentioned in the last couple posts.

This meant it fell on me to return the house to a livable state. Luckily, this didn’t involve much more than washing some dishes, vacuuming, and removing our oldest’s stuff from the living room and dumping the stuff on her desk. (Note: She Who Must Be Obeyed prefer’s to complain about the presence of such stuff in the living room; I tend to prefer to make our oldest complain about the presence of such stuff on her desk.)

Other than that, I didn’t do much. One curse of having a long holiday is the tendency to start enjoying it too much and falling into the habit of doing nothing and that means a lot of time gets wasted.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, because I’m already in the habit of doing nothing, it doesn’t bother me as much as it should.


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