Cleaning and Not Processing

I’m gearing up for a large sale, but first there is a lot of cleaning, picture taking, and second guessing to do.

I’m going to use the early part of the summer to purge a bunch of stuff and that starts with pens that no longer set my soul on fire. I cleaned two of them today and took several pictures of them but didn’t process the pictures so that I could use them. Also, the water wasted during the cleaning probably adds up to more than the pens are worth.

These pens join a large bundle of pens that have to go once I get past the “But, oh so PRETTY” phase.

This phase, I suspect, is what turns collectors into hoarders. Your brain tells you that this shiny object must go. You not only haven’t used it in months, you haven’t missed it. Sometimes you even forget you owned it. However, once it’s in your hands your only reactions are “Shiny!” and “It is precious…” as if Smeagol had spent the entirety of The Lord of the Rings trilogy collecting all the rings of power and only wanted the One Ring back in order to complete his collection. (It completes us, it does. Yessss, it doessss. We loves our sets completes, yes we doessss. Dirty Hobbitsess, breaking up our collection.)

Something like that.

(Meaningless Side Note: My ending for the Lord of the Rings would have involved Sauron recovering the One Ring and then Gollum killing him to get it back, thus making the entire trilogy a meaningless waste of time. Yeah, that’s the mood I’m in right now.)

The next phase is the fear phase where you imagine that nobody will want to buy them. Of course, that may be a secret hope that no one wants them and I get to keep them.

I have a few ideas for overcoming this in mind, but I’ll probably second guess those ideas.


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